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The Hidden Dangers of Micromanagement and How to Combat Them

Sound Advice from the Best HR Outsourcing Companies

To earn trust, you have to show it. This old adage is as true on the job as in other life circumstances, and the statistics back that up:

  • Employees who feel trusted report 74% less stress and 40% less burnout.
  • Employees who have the confidence of their managers are 23% more forthcoming with ideas.
  • More than half of CEOs believe that micromanaging (not trusting team members to do their jobs) threatens growth opportunities.

Micromanaging kills creativity and teamwork and inhibits a dynamic work culture where individuals can thrive. Ravix Group offers outsourced HR consulting services that can help your company produce effective leaders.

What Is Micromanagement? You Might Be a Micromanager if…

If these symptoms describe you or your organization’s leaders, you may have some micromanagers that are in need of reform:

  • You lose sight of the goals because you’re always bogged down by the details.
  • You hate to delegate and end up taking on far too much of the work yourself.
  • Employees feel they need your approval on every decision.
  • You don’t think anyone else but you, can do the work.
  • You want team members to copy you on all emails.

With the help of of a seasoned team of outsourced HR consultants, you can train leaders to avoid these micromanagement tendencies. Bring your company’s HR practices in line with the best HR outsourcing companies that continually raise the bar for the industry.

Why You Must Stop Micromanaging (if You Want To Keep Your Employees)

Here are four negative outcomes of holding your projects and people hostage for every step and decision:

  • Tasks become transactions: Constantly checking stats, metrics, and the activities of team members creates a linear workflow, one in which a micromanager can quickly become a bottleneck. The best ideas and enhancements often come about during moments of inspiration when employees feel comfortable sharing new ideas. How can leaders make work transformative not transactional?
  • Demoralization sets in among staff: Do leaders in your organization know what inspires your employees? Positive leadership includes coaching versus criticism. So, organizations that value inspirational leadership see teams that work well together without panicking. Micromanaged teams may lack innovation and act out of fear rather than a desire to succeed as a team.
  • Resentment breeds rebellion: Smart, capable people can become resentful if they don’t feel appreciated. Micromanagers put employees under a microscope and criticize mistakes without offering solutions. After a while, team members can breed resentment toward managers and the company as a whole. At this point, they might decide to take their skills and knowledge elsewhere, perhaps to the competition.

If you are losing employees due to relentless micromanagement, take the advice of the best HR outsourcing companies and fix the problem quickly.

Stop Micromanaging – in 3 Easy Steps

By focusing on the mission and being more understanding of human nature, leaders can work towards avoiding micromanagement. Encourage your top executives and managers to work on their soft skills and follow these steps to become more inclusive, collaborative leaders.

1. Understand how a leader’s actions affect the team.
A key ingredient to make managers better leaders, is recognition and appreciation of the fact that human nature is inconsistent, fallible, and prone to weakness. It is important to gain a better understanding of human psychology and pay attention to how different management tactics impact the outcome of projects. By putting people first, asking for ideas, acknowledging and appreciating skills and dedication, leaders can leave micromanaging behind and look forward to a strong, collaborative team.

2. Improve people skills.
Here are a few questions that can generate solutions and help team members succeed:

  • What can I do to help?
  • Do you need more time?
  • Where are you stuck?
  • Do we need a new gameplan?

It’s not about doing away with accountability so much as making each employee an integral part of the process. Rather than inducing stress, strive to improve performance by bringing out the best in each team member.

3. Focus on the mission, not the metrics.
It’s easy to get bogged down by performance metrics and lose sight of the ultimate goal. By reminding employees of the impact a project has on the overall business, you can help them stay focused without chaining them to metrics.

Why should you opt for HR outsourcing services? From training to recruiting effective leaders, Ravix Group has you covered. We can also help you create company policies that discourage micromanaging.

Need Help Creating Effective, Inspiring Leaders?

Ravix Group is trusted among the best HR outsourcing companies. Let our human resource experts help eliminate micromanagement at your company. Contact us online or call us at 408 216 0656 to set up an initial consultation.