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Product Market Fit Workshop for Founders: June 24th in San Francisco

Over the past few years, early-stage startup founders have experienced a general slowdown in venture capital deployment.  They’ve had to manage shorter financial runways, all the while being asked to do more with less.  How can savvy founders scale their sales and partnerships to generate enough ARR and justify a healthy raise?  How can founder-led sales during tough economic times translate into building efficient and effective sales teams?

​Join us for a hosted lunch and a VC fireside chat, led by Lindsey S. Mignano, Co-Founder of SSM, on overcoming obstacles in sales in early-stage startups.  Zamir Shukho of Vibranium Venture Capital and Lisa Yu of 99vc will share their do’s and don’ts on founder-led sales from their experience managing and advising portfolio companies.  Afterwards, Steve Johnson from Scaling Sales will lead a founder’s workshop focusing on:

  • ​Transitioning the reins of founder-led sales to building a high-performing sales team
  • Sales compensation framework and calculator
  • ​Minimizing financial exposure to sales compensation risk
  • Protecting customers from bad sales behaviors

This event is being hosted by Ravix, SSM, TriNet, and SVB.

Space is limited and evaluated on a first-come, first-serve basis by Ravix.

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